Phoenix, Arizona--May 1, 1991-- MacWizards releases new software utility to
convert Second Sight BBS file descriptions to Telefinder “Get Info” format. This is the first utility on the market to interchange file section descriptions between Second Sight™ and Telefinder™ bulletin board systems.
MacWizards will now provide “SS->TF Filer” to the Macintosh market. This
utility was developed to automate Telefinder file description inputting from Second Sight™ file directories. “SS->TF Filer” was originally developed to automate Telefinder compatibility for MacWizards new “BBS in a BOX” CD . Telefinder™ descriptions were written to over 7,000 files on the CD with this utility.
“SS->TF Filer” produces a resource file that is pasted into each download file
listed in the Second Sight directory. This resource then allows Telefinder BBS users to view the description of the file by using the “Get Info” command. Based on the description users can then pass over the file or download it.
“SS->TF Filer” has several purposes for the Macintosh BBS system operator:
1). “SS->TF Filer” may be utilized to automate the transfer of file sections from a Second Sight™ file section format to a Telefinder iconic BBS format produced by Spider Island of Irvine, CA.
2). “SS->TF Filer” may be used to copy file descriptions from updated Second Sight™ file sections and create Telefinder description resources automatically in a dual Second Sight™ and Telefinder shared BBS system as run by the Arizona Macintosh Users Group™. The utility has the ability to update the size information in the Second Sight™ directory after creating the Telefinder resource data and attaching it to the download file. In this way, the Second Sight directory can be used to automate Telefinder description creation and have its size information of the file be accurate.
3). “SS->TF Filer” allows Telefinder users to create iconic functioning
description files from easy to use Second Sight Utilities such as Chriss
Koch‘s TidE file editor. This process also allows Telefinder users the ability to create Master download database information about their files on-line and create text file descriptions from Second Sight directory tools such as FSP and others. The use of this multi-BBS platform tool is limited only by the Second Sight/Telefinder BBS system operators imagination.
Future versions may also include the ability to convert from Telefinder file format to Second Sight directories should there be a demand for such a tool.
Support and input?
If you have questions about “SS->TF Filer” and how it can improve Second Sight
to Telefinder file sharing please call or send mail to Michael Bean, 718 E. Campbell Ave., Gilbert, AZ 85234 (602) 892-5454, Fidonet 1:114/56 (Michael Bean), GEnie: MichaelBean, AppleLink: UG0116, Modem: (602) 495-1713 (Michael Bean).
How to Order...
“SS->TF Filer” is available during this introductory period for $30 in U.S. funds. “SS->TF Filer” comes complete with a media tracks interactive instruction file on 800K floppy. The product is currently available and shipping.
To participate in this special order you must place your order no
later than August 1, 1991. Please include the name of your BBS system,
address for shipping and phone, alone with a check for $30. Visa may
be utilized as well at a price of $35.00. International orders please add $10.00.